Monday, April 26, 2010

Tompkins Chapter 2: Reading and Writing Processes

Reading and writing are genuinely related in which a development in reading can also lead to development in writing and vice versa. Hence, it is important for teachers to introduce appropriate processes for both reading and writing as mentioned in the chapter. Also a nice chart on page 66 demonstrates the comparison of the two and how similar they are within different stages. Reading and writing contains several stages of processes in which students can effectively comprehend texts and creatively write. Moreover, the stages have bullet points explaining what needs to be understood by the students to become fluent readers and writers.

The students in the kindergarten classrooms are always reading and writing. Books our CT reads to the class are not always new, there are more times when she reads a same book for several days and works around a book in doing activities. Having students do activities and assessments on a book, they experience more reading and writing related to a single topic in which develops their comprehension and creativity in coming up with more ideas for writing. In addition, the CT’s strategies of working around a book relates to some of the different stages that are listed on Tompkin’s chapter on pages 43 and 52 but in level of kindergarteners.


  1. Yoon, I think that it is so advanced that your kindergarten studetns are "always reading and writing" already! I love that they are being challenged with print and with words; getting familiar with these processes young is crucial to setting a good precedent concerning reading and writing in the future.
    I also love the idea of consistency and repetition in order to hone the students' comprehension of the topics. Patience is a key virtue in early elementary grades, and it is so good to drive home these concepts. I'm curious, though, does the CT have them try to discuss the topics with each other, or would that be complete chaos without a structured discussion (i.e. more recitation-like)? I ask because I am curious to know how early we can start implementing a standard of genuine conversations and learning.
    Well done!

  2. Yoon, I really like how your C.T. repeatedly uses the same book with new activities. I think this will help students who are learning to read, because they will have repeated exposure to the same words both spoken and written. By changing up the activities students won't ger bored, and they will get to see the story from many perspectives.
