Monday, March 22, 2010

Tompkins Chapter 9

I know that I must have said this a lot already, but I love this book. My favorite aspect of this book has to be all the charts in it. Each chart takes main points and highlights what it is we as teachers should either look for or how to use what is discussed in the readings. I really took a lot away from the Assessing Students' Knowledge of Text Factors portion at the end of the of the chapter. I liked having example of different ways to get at what our students learn. I love how they present mulitple examples because it is important that we keep that in mind,

I have seen a lot of the example in my placement similar to The Five Expository Text Structures. I never really understood why we would make Comparison charts until I saw it being done in my class. This is a great tool to get the students engaged in readings. They love looking for differences and I see them listening more intently and actively.

On page 301, the Narrative Devices are a great explanation of each and really help clarify what it is we should be looking for when we use that terminology in our classrooms. On page 300, I bookmarked because I admit sometimes still get confused on Point of View and this really helped me. Like I said earlier I really love reading this book and will use it so much when I teach.


  1. I agree with you Parker, I also love the charts in this book. I find them to be extremely helpful! I think there are a lot of good ideas and like you said there are even things in this text that sometimes I forget and it is an easy tool to look at. From this text I have been able to help my students more by asking them questions and using some of the techniques that were suggested. I also have found this book to be really useful and not just another text book.

  2. I agree with you both, the charts are definitely one of the better parts of this book. Very useful! How can we use the charts to create better lessons and benefit our students?

  3. I'm also digging the charts and graphs and tables that fill this chapter - we really are elementary education majors, aren't we? I have just one question for you, though, Parker. You said you really took away a lot from the Assessing Students' Knowledge of Text Factors blurb at the end of the chapter -- what, in particular, were you interested in, and how can you use that in your classroom this year?
