Monday, January 18, 2010

Over the course of last semster, I really got to see my students as learners of science and social studies. I was able to see their literacy skills in action, but did not get a lot of time to work with them and assess their abilities. This semester I hope to use what I have learned from past semesters and build upon it in order to get the students interested in reading and writing. TE 301 focused a lot on how students learn concepts and what they need to know, but I am hoping to learn now what works and what the proven methods for teaching literacy are. Last semster I had two technology related courses, and now realize how important it is to use what is available in order to teach students.

One goal I have for myself this semester is to see how I can teach in new ways using the technology that is available to the students. I want to develop lesson plans that address each type of learner, and find new ways to interest and engage the students while learning about reading and writing. Because I am placed in a lower income area, I know that many of the students do not have the most up-to-date technologies at home or even at school. I hope this will teach me to be creative and appreciate and use what is available.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting that you mentioned the technology aspect of learning in literacy. I often find such subjects intimidating, especially when I'm so new to them on my own. It's refreshing to see someone so open to learning new things -- I find that keeping up a sense of creativity in reaching students is so easily lost after the first 5 or so years of teaching, so stick with that mindset and know you'll make an impact!
